Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Book Case Reborn

If you live in an older home you are likely graced with charming architectural details that so many people crave: lovely moldings, ceiling details, arched openings, and built-in bookcases.  As times change and the way we live our lives evolves sometimes these charming details turn into conundrums.  E-readers have obviously changed the way we read books and honestly, unless you are reading beautiful hardcover likely aren't going to be using the bookcases the way they were intended!  

Here are some great ways to add a little charm back into your bookcases.

So like reading chic-lit!  That doesn't mean you can't make those pink covers coordinate into your decor.  Consider making covers in a solid paper for a great disguise.

Arranging a carefully edited grouping of classic accessories will feel very sophisticated.  Just be sure to give everything breathing room so it doesn't look like a nick-nack resale shop!

If you are still into the nostalgia of reading things on actual paper adding glass doors with some details will polish up the multicolored book covers and the mish-mash of different book heights.  A little cohesion can go a long way in dressing things up.

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