Brendan and I got back about 3 weeks ago from St. Lucia (sigh...can I go back?) After looking around at the brightly painted buildings, it really got me thinking about what shapes our perceptions on color. Why do some cultures/regions of people have an affinity for brightness while others tend toward neutrals? You don't need to travel far and wide to see these differences, I think you could easily look around the United States different regions, or the different cultural hubs around your city. Mind you... I haven't come up with an answer to these questions! For goodness sake, I'm an interior designer not an anthropologist.
Here are some of my theories behind the color conundrum:
Is it your surroundings?
Indian Spices |
Indian clothing | | |
Is it your heritage?
New England |
England | | |
Travel and Experience?
Japanese Pagoda Style |
Frank Lloyd Wrights Exhibition Building after trips to Japan |
Here's what I
have figured out - People need to surround themselves by what makes them happy, and what they are inspired by. Whether its your ideals from upbringing, your surroundings, or your latest obsession, YOUR interiors should be a reflection of YOU!